Tuesday, August 11, 2009

August 8, 2009 Ron Turns 70!!!

To just stop and think that my mother was only twenty-one when she gave birth to her firstborn. And as you all know, she didn't stop with just having one.:) Can you believe that her firstborn, Ronald Wayne Rehfeldt turned 70 on August 8th? Well, I guess you can believe that knowing she will turn 92 in Septmeber. I must say that cake was delicious! We had another cake and some cupcakes, but I enjoyed every bite of this white cake. It was so moist. There was even enough for me to take some home.
Here we have Ron and Mom.

Again we were able all to gather at my brother's Bruce's home. Here Bruce and his wife Jola are getting some of the food ready.

Here we have four generations of Rehfeldt. My Mother, my brother David, his son Jason and Jason son Oliver. Oliver was born on July 3l, 2009. Here his is only 9 days old.

Here we have another four generations. My mother, me, Ann-Marie and Samuel.

Here we have Samuel meeting Oliver for the first time. The little girl is Autumn, Oliver's sister.

Here Jola and Louise are making a fruit salad.

Downstairs we found Caleb and Andrew playing pool.

Jacob was my little helper. I wanted to trim some of Bruce's overgrown bushes! Jac0b helped me put them into the container.

The older guys went outside and played the bean bag game. Here we have Rick and Gary.

As always we had fun and since it was a surprise party for Ron, I know that he enjoyed the day. Happy Birthday Brother Ron!

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

We were only there for a short time - and arrived three hours late - but it was great getting to see everyone, and especially meeting Oliver! He's such a cute little bean! Happy Birthday, Uncle Ron!!!