Wednesday, May 26, 2010

My Trip to South Carolina - Part #3 - Activities

I'm so blessed to have so many sisters all with different gifts! The first morning alone with the kids, even while she still had her PJ on, she had the kids making charts! They all really got involved in making their own charts. She kept it simple. Only three catag0ries: Obey, Be Kind and Be a Helper. Whenever they did one of the following, they would get to put a sticker in that square for that day. Great idea.

Isn't she just lovely in her PJ?
Jan and I were both amazed how much we really got to do with the kids. Especially with me being sick. Here's some of the fun things we got to do with them.
There was the Easter Egg Hunt. Bryant hid the eggs for the two younger girls. Above you have Mikayla enjoying her find.

Jan and I took turns hiding the eggs for the three older kids. Bryant and Mackenzie enjoyed the hunt.

Madyson and Mackenzie check out the goodies inside the eggs.

We took time off from cooking one day and took the kids to a place called Chick-Fil-A. It was nice they had a play area for the younger kids.

Before we took the kids out to eat, we stopped by a very nice park to let the kids play for awhile. There's Madyson-really into swinging with her head down.

Mackenzie just relaxing !

And of course, I needed to enter into the action.

My sister Jan is such a wonderful Grandmother. She is always involved with some activity with her grandkids. Like the game...

Red Rover, Red Rover, send Grandma right over!!

You can tell by the look on all the kids faces, that they think Grandma will not get through their line!

One day while I was home with the two younger girls, Jan picked up the older kids and took them shopping to find an activity they would enjoy doing that evening. She named it : ACTIVITY NIGHT. I tried to help Bryant, but we ended up leaving the details for his dad to help him with. But at least we tried.

Oh, and perhaps this one activity was one of the most funniest of all. LOOKING FOR FOUR -LEAF CLOVER. When I was young I use to collect four-leaf clovers. I even had a nice book that I kept them all in. Some were small and some were very large. Even had a few five-leaf clovers. So knowing this, I thought the kids maybe might find one or two in their backyard. Well low and behold I think some leprechauns were working in their yard the night before. At first Jan said, "I'll give you one dollar for every four-leaf clover you find." I kid you not they just kept finding four-leaf clovers. She finally had to put of limit of $5.00. And several of them would had doubled that if she had NOT put a limit on them.
One day I painted the girls finger and toe nails.

Mackenzie had a special kit with nail polish and little stars, hearts etc to put on her nails.

Jan, The grandma kept the kids busy with games and reading stories to them. I wished I had done a video of her singing, "I could have danced all night..." with each one of the kids except Bryant. Those kids love being pulled up into the air and singing right along with her.
So we did enjoy spending time with those precious 5 grandkids of Jan. And I,of course are their GREAT AUNT!
It was work! It was fun! It was time to come home!


Janice Sturgill said...

Thank you for such beautiful posts! I could never had done it without you! We did have a lot of fun! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! You truly are one "GREAT-AUNT!"

SturgillMom said...

I just got done reading through and looking at all of the pictures of your time here....I had a big smile on my face the whole time :) You two were such troppers and you will NEVER know how much it meant to ME to be able to get away and go on the trip. I never once worried about the kids -- I DID worry about you two :) Thank you again!!!!