Thursday, May 1, 2008

And on his farm he has some....

Everyone in our family loves to go out to my sister Louise and her husband Bruce's home. They live in Brodhead, Wi on a farm. One never knows what new arrivals have taken place. Gary was out on Tuesday and today as we were driving out there he started mentioning all the new animals on their farm. So glad to have brought my camera along. Gary was going out to help Bruce put in some new electrical outlets. I was just going along for the ride and to go to the Bent and Dent with my sister. Now on their farm they had... Black Percherson horses, Miss Misty Jo and Miss Bessie May. It's so funny because Louise was telling me that the man they purchased them from had named them Janet and Janice. Since my sister Jan's name is Janice, I'm going to have LOTS of fun with this knowledge. And on their farm they had some...
Kid goats....5 in all. The big billy goat in front is Cody. Louise's grandkids claim him as their pet.
Bruce helped Gary hold two of the baby goats. Such a handful. And on their farm they had some...Hens and chickens. E - I - E - O!

All in All we enjoyed the day. What beautiful new horses they have added to the farm. And I must say those goats are so000 cute. In May we will have a family reunion there and I know we will all have a great time down on MacBruce's farm.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

You two are like grown up "kids" (ha, ha, get it? Like goats have kids?...ha, ha!).

I'm going to start calling Uncle Bruce "MacBruce!" Great nickname!