Saturday, May 31, 2008

MMM Part 2 Family Reunion

MMM ( Merry Month of May) Brodhead, WI

Isn't it crazy to belong to this family??? All you think we do is PARTY!!! Well, it truly is not our's our parents. (YES I am putting the blame on them...) If I only had one sister or one brother, we would not be having so MUCH FUN!

At any rate I just want you to enjoy this video of our crazy family. Gary, Louise, Bruce and I were able to get things setup on Friday. On Saturday the people and the food begin to arrive. Louise and Bruce provided the Brats and hotdogs. My brother Scott always has something up his sleeve. So this year he hid painted golden rocks for everyone to find. You were suppose to find only one rock (Gary says to me, " I found three"...hum someone wasn't listening.) After you found the rock, you got to claim a prize at the prize table. This is always fun!

Some of the family members were not able to attend and we sure missed all of them. Later, my brothers Scott, David and Bruce were reminiscing about the good old days and had so many of us just splitting a gut as the saying goes. Ask Darryl about it, he seems to be having a great time listening to their wild story when they were growing up.

The younger kids always enjoy the farm animals that we have on the MacBerg Farm. All in all we had a great time...never enough time to catch up with eveyone's life. God has richly bless us with such a wonderful family and we truly love one another.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

We looked like a family of zombies walking around in a trance trying to find those golden rocks!

Other families play volleyball, but not our family...