I have often wondered since that time, what conditions the public school would be in today had we not taken the "light and salt" out. By that I mean the establishment of Christian schools. (Now before you run to their defence, our only daughter Ann-Marie attended them from K-5 to twelfth grade. And of course 4 years at a Christian college.) I went to secular schools till college. Since I did not come from what today is called a Christian home, I still knew that I was to be "light and salt" in the schools I attended. My training came from my local church.
That also brings me to another point. The Lutherans have their high school. The Catholic have their high school. Rockford never had a Baptist high school. We could never agree on issues of dress, music and I'm sure on some theology matters. Just think of all the possibilities that would have given all involved. Like better and up-to-date equipment, kids knowing kids outside of just their church, better pay for Christian teachers...etc. Personally I think it is a sad fact. Again, just my personal opinion.
I have worked in both the Christian and secular world. The Christian place is far way more comfortable and in my opinion more easier. ( By that comment, I'm not referring to work but other issues) Of course we are never to let our guard down, but working in the secular world put a greater pressure on you. I can only speak out of my own experience and I have to agree with my late husband who said after working in both world. "I find that working in the secular makes me a better Christian." (Sorry, he's not here to elaborate on that comment.)
I was so happy when the pastors at First Baptist wanted the members to think of ways that we can all be "light and salt" in this world. Some of you may come from second and third generation Christian, thus you had the following: Christian homes, Christian schooling, and now you work in the Christian world. When do you rub shoulders with non- believers? Perhaps only five minutes in the 24 hours you have each day. The grocery store, the barber, the post office, the bank, your insurance company, etc.
My challenge to all of us, whether we work in the Christian or secualar place, are you finding ways to be "light and salt"? It truly is a matter of prayer. We don't have an option! Christ calls us all be to "light and salt". Let me know of ways that you are finding these opportunties of being "light and salt".
I totally agre, Mom...but then I would - growing up as your daughter!
Thanks again for helping out at GS. Everyone said how sweet you were, and we were all very appreciative!
I've never worked in a Christian workplace and have several times been the ONLY Christian (out of many) where I worked. It's hard. But I wouldn't trade it for anything.
It seems to me sometimes that Christians are afraid of non-Christians or just feel more comfortable not being around them. Sad.
Of course, as a third generation Christian, I would have to comment. I am so thankful for my Christian heritage. Honestly, I don't think I was ever strong enough to "make it" in a public school. I thank God for that security. BUT.....security is not growth. Working in a community college, I am confronted every day with opportunities to share God's Word. Sadly, I do not always take advantage of every opportunity. But, I am so glad to finally let my light shine in a dark spot. I actually know some unsaved people. I rub shoulders with them every day. I pray for them often. This alone makes me humble before God and constantly aware of the emptiness of the world. Again, I am glad my kids are in a Christian school, but may they never hide there!!!
None of us are strong..."Greater is He that is within you than he that is in the world."
Too often we are afraid to move out of our "comfort zone".
Thanks for your comments. We are in this world but not to be "of" this world.
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