Thursday, March 27, 2008
A Little Bit of This. A Little Bit of that.
Congratulations to Paul and Kara's son Adam! The third egg from the left is Adams. It made the Sunday paper. It's always fun to see or read whenever a family member has their name in the paper. Art runs in our family and I have to say that Adam was very artistic in his use of many colors.
This morning is Thursday, March 27, 2008. Yesterday the weather was in the high 50's. Today it is snowing..but as you can see the Robin is here to stay. I for one will be very glad when Spring is here to stay..not this warm sunny day, then snow...off and on days. COME ON SPRING...STAY.
Tuesday Gary had to go to JUDY DUDY..AKA JURY DUTY! Thanks Danielle, I think we all will forever call it JUDY DUDY. He was chosen as one of the twelve. Last night he did not get home till almost 9:00 p.m. I guess they had to reach a decision before they left. What is so funny for me is that the first day he came home and said, "I got a check for $10.00. I think I will call it my March Mad Money!" Later in the evening he informed me that he had to pay for parking...$2.25. Now that reduces his income. Let just add the gas to that also. It's around 14 miles to the court house and then of course, he does have to come home. So last night he also came home with a $10.00 check. With his duty done, I think that the March Mad Money should end up about $9.00...oh, with tithe, he now has $7.00. I wonder what he will do with all that money? He did say he did enjoy it and they did give him a certificate. It certainly it a privilege for us as citizen...for I know it is not for the money.
Friday, March 21, 2008
Last night (Thursday, March 20, 2008) I took a beautiful picture of the sunset from our front window.
This morning (Friday, March 21, 2008) I took the picture below. Yes, we are having a snow storm today.
Plans for today have been changed due to this storm. Gary and I were to drive to Dixon to celebrate our granddaughter's Brigitte 6th birthday, which will actually be on Tuesday. Since their family is leaving Sunday, they had decided to celebrate it today. So we will wait till they come back and celebrate her birthday another day.
I will celebrate my sister Kathleen Spring's birthday, who would have been 52 years old today! There are many things to celebrate about her. She had that wonderful gift of hospitality! Whenever any family members came to town, it was Kathy who organized a family get-together. Another great thing about my sister, is her gift of gardening. So many beautiful flowers in her yard...and she was always adding more each year. Below is a picture of me, my newphew's wife Kara and my sister Kathy. God took Kathy home July 29, 2001. She was only 45 years old. She has left a HUGH HOLE IN OUR HEARTS.
The picture above shows us taking plants from Kathy's flower garden to plant in our own flower gardens.
The most important things that many of us will celebrate is the death of our Lord. Yes today is also Good Friday. And we also celebrate what the angel at the empty tomb said to the two Marys: "Do not be afraid, for I know that you seek Jesus who was crucified. He is not here; for He is risen, .." And I look forward to the day when I will celebrate seeing those who have gone before me...like my wonderful sister Kathy.
Monday, March 17, 2008
Baby Dawson
Gary and I wanted to see this wonderful new addition to our family. When we got to the hospital and finally located Cari's room, we found Dave stretched out on the bed and Cari sitting up. Wow, now here's the true picture of a new father! Just kidding because Dave pointed to this other bed that did not look very comfortable. Then I understood why he was trying to get rest on the bed Cari had. Cari looked great and of course both of them very happy.
Dave took Gary & I down to see Dawson. "He look just like my dad!" Dave said. "He's got his nose and cheecks."
As you can see little Dawson is in an incubator and will be in the hospital for about two more weeks. He arrived a little earlier than had been expected.
When Dave took us to see Dawson, you should have seen his face...he is one proud DAD! Both Cari and he will make wonderful parents.
Congratulations on the birth of your first child...Dawson Bruce. Dave did not want to have David the second, so when he read the name Dawson meant son of David, that would take care of the problem.
Congratulations on the birth of your first child...Dawson Bruce. Dave did not want to have David the second, so when he read the name Dawson meant son of David, that would take care of the problem.
Tuesday, March 11, 2008
Party Time...AGAIN
When you come from a large family such as mine, you never run out of celebrations! If some of my other sisters lived closer, it could get real crazy. My sister Jan had a birthday in February, but we as sisters could not celebrate till now.
My sister, Louise started the party off by giving Jan a Birthday Pin.
My niece Candice and great niece Brielle were able to attend. Brielle stold the show! Since we had the party at River Bluff, everyone that came past us wanted to see Brielle. You can see part of a delicious carrot cake that Louise made from scratch.
Tammy, one of my other nieces and her daughter Megan were able to celebrate with us. Suzie Q is what Tammy surprized her Aunt Jan with...Jan had asked me earlier if one of my smaller gift was a Suzie Q. I had to confess that I had'nt thought about them. Thanks Tammy! You came to the my rescue.
As Jan's sister, my job or should I say my gift was to supply her with Cosby..Season 4!
Louise always comes up with new gift ideas! If any of you have been to Jan's home, you would know that they have a HUGH GARDEN! I know that Jan will find the perfect place to put her new garden stone.
As always we had a great time. We all are so thankful that my mother could be with us. God is the giver of life and we truly thank Him for our wonderful gift of family....especially all my sisters ! (I like my brothers too!)
As always we had a great time. We all are so thankful that my mother could be with us. God is the giver of life and we truly thank Him for our wonderful gift of family....especially all my sisters ! (I like my brothers too!)
Saturday, March 8, 2008
Light and Salt
Matthew 5:13 and 14 tells us two very important things to be as a Christian: Verse 13 "You are the salt of the earth"..verse 14 "You are the light of the world" I understood the simple gospel of : I was a sinner. Christ died for my sins. I accepted Him as my Saviour. This all happened when I was just eight year old. (Thanks to a very faithful and godly man: Dr Melivn Swanson)
I have often wondered since that time, what conditions the public school would be in today had we not taken the "light and salt" out. By that I mean the establishment of Christian schools. (Now before you run to their defence, our only daughter Ann-Marie attended them from K-5 to twelfth grade. And of course 4 years at a Christian college.) I went to secular schools till college. Since I did not come from what today is called a Christian home, I still knew that I was to be "light and salt" in the schools I attended. My training came from my local church.
That also brings me to another point. The Lutherans have their high school. The Catholic have their high school. Rockford never had a Baptist high school. We could never agree on issues of dress, music and I'm sure on some theology matters. Just think of all the possibilities that would have given all involved. Like better and up-to-date equipment, kids knowing kids outside of just their church, better pay for Christian teachers...etc. Personally I think it is a sad fact. Again, just my personal opinion.
I have worked in both the Christian and secular world. The Christian place is far way more comfortable and in my opinion more easier. ( By that comment, I'm not referring to work but other issues) Of course we are never to let our guard down, but working in the secular world put a greater pressure on you. I can only speak out of my own experience and I have to agree with my late husband who said after working in both world. "I find that working in the secular makes me a better Christian." (Sorry, he's not here to elaborate on that comment.)
At any rate, when my daughter phoned me and ask if I could volunteer at Girl Scouts, I thought this would be a great opportunity once again to be "light and salt" in the world.
Lee who works at Girl Scout shows me how their computer works.
Then she had to show me how the variphone works.
I was so happy when the pastors at First Baptist wanted the members to think of ways that we can all be "light and salt" in this world. Some of you may come from second and third generation Christian, thus you had the following: Christian homes, Christian schooling, and now you work in the Christian world. When do you rub shoulders with non- believers? Perhaps only five minutes in the 24 hours you have each day. The grocery store, the barber, the post office, the bank, your insurance company, etc.
My challenge to all of us, whether we work in the Christian or secualar place, are you finding ways to be "light and salt"? It truly is a matter of prayer. We don't have an option! Christ calls us all be to "light and salt". Let me know of ways that you are finding these opportunties of being "light and salt".
I have often wondered since that time, what conditions the public school would be in today had we not taken the "light and salt" out. By that I mean the establishment of Christian schools. (Now before you run to their defence, our only daughter Ann-Marie attended them from K-5 to twelfth grade. And of course 4 years at a Christian college.) I went to secular schools till college. Since I did not come from what today is called a Christian home, I still knew that I was to be "light and salt" in the schools I attended. My training came from my local church.
That also brings me to another point. The Lutherans have their high school. The Catholic have their high school. Rockford never had a Baptist high school. We could never agree on issues of dress, music and I'm sure on some theology matters. Just think of all the possibilities that would have given all involved. Like better and up-to-date equipment, kids knowing kids outside of just their church, better pay for Christian teachers...etc. Personally I think it is a sad fact. Again, just my personal opinion.
I have worked in both the Christian and secular world. The Christian place is far way more comfortable and in my opinion more easier. ( By that comment, I'm not referring to work but other issues) Of course we are never to let our guard down, but working in the secular world put a greater pressure on you. I can only speak out of my own experience and I have to agree with my late husband who said after working in both world. "I find that working in the secular makes me a better Christian." (Sorry, he's not here to elaborate on that comment.)
I was so happy when the pastors at First Baptist wanted the members to think of ways that we can all be "light and salt" in this world. Some of you may come from second and third generation Christian, thus you had the following: Christian homes, Christian schooling, and now you work in the Christian world. When do you rub shoulders with non- believers? Perhaps only five minutes in the 24 hours you have each day. The grocery store, the barber, the post office, the bank, your insurance company, etc.
My challenge to all of us, whether we work in the Christian or secualar place, are you finding ways to be "light and salt"? It truly is a matter of prayer. We don't have an option! Christ calls us all be to "light and salt". Let me know of ways that you are finding these opportunties of being "light and salt".
Thursday, March 6, 2008
Update on Stolen Licence Plates
I just love mystery stories...That is in books only.
This morning we got a called from the police department. Guess what folks? Last night someone robbed the Hilander Store on Rural Street. Guess what licence plates were on the car?N Memry 7! Yes, you read it right.
The officer told Gary that it was a good thing that we had reported our plate gone. If we hadn't done that, he said he would have been knocking on our door. The reason they took our back plate is because it also have the city sticker on it.
Since I didn't talk to the officer, and Gary didn't think to ask...I don't know if the guy was caught. If he was, do I get my licence plate back or do we need to order new ones?
Will keep you up to date..it's just seems so crazy!
This morning we got a called from the police department. Guess what folks? Last night someone robbed the Hilander Store on Rural Street. Guess what licence plates were on the car?N Memry 7! Yes, you read it right.
The officer told Gary that it was a good thing that we had reported our plate gone. If we hadn't done that, he said he would have been knocking on our door. The reason they took our back plate is because it also have the city sticker on it.
Since I didn't talk to the officer, and Gary didn't think to ask...I don't know if the guy was caught. If he was, do I get my licence plate back or do we need to order new ones?
Will keep you up to date..it's just seems so crazy!
Wednesday, March 5, 2008
Why Me?????
When my husband Bob passed away March 3, 1999, I knew I needed to replace the car I had. So with the help of the Traum family I purchased a used but newer car than I had. When I thought about the licence plates, I wanted something in honor of Bob. Different ideas were put forth and the one I liked the best was suggested by Mike. I ended up with the vanity plates of N Memry 7. When you order a vanity plate and the letters are already taken, you have to take the next number...great 7. I thought how perfect could one get. Usually we think of the number of 7 in terms of perfection...etc.
In 2005 I knew I was thinking of retiring and decided to purchase a brand new car so I wouldn't have any car problems...at least for a long time. When I saw ads of Tiger Woods endorsing the Buick LaCrosse, I decided upon that car. I have always loved Buicks!
I purchased the car June of 2005....January 2006 one day I went to start it...NOTHING. This same problem occurs every winter. To make a long story short. They have replaced the battery 2006. Then it went dead again. In December 2007 they decided the radio was draining the battery so they replace it. Guess what folks, in January 2008...the car went dead again. But they said they cannot find anything wrong with it and it has started every day since they have had it. So now we have it back again.
One thing I love about my car...the vanity plates. Whenever I come out to the parking lot I just look for my licence plates...N Memry 7.
Yesterday, I picked up my mother's laundry. Tueday of every week is usually when I pick it up.
Mom is never in a hurry to get it back, but I usually have it done the next day. So today I dropped off her laundry at River Bluff Nursing Home. I couldn't stay becasue I needed to get to a volunteer job at Girl's Scouts. Upon walking out of the nursing home, I headed towards my car..(today I was able to park in the first lane)..humm I don't see my car. Well, at least I don't see my vanity plate. WHAT...I RUSH to the front of my car.. yes N Memry 7
plates on the front of the car. Relieved that this is my car..but wait a minute...WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BACK PLATE?
Yes G O N E...Gone. I phone Gary right away. Since I have a job to go to, he will call the police about our situation.
Last night we had gone to a Financial meeting at the Radisson on East State. It could have happen there. We really don't know. How often do you check both your licence plates before you pull out of your driveway? Or for that matter, when you get in your car after it has been parked somewhere. I'm sure never! You might want to now that your have heard my story.
The sad part to all of this is that I have to get a new licence plates. It's a precaution..incase the person who took them has an accident or robs a bank..etc, we won't have to go to court. HUH...that person should go to court and then of course to jail.
I'm not happy about not having my vanity plates...I will miss them. So why me..just give me a car that works ALL YEAR and don't steal my plates. Is that TOO MUCH TO ASK? And please don't say, "Why not you!" I'm just not in the mood . Someone told me shortly after Bob dead, "Why you will be closer to God." My old nature wanted to say, "Well, may He take your husband so you can be closer to God too! " I was too grieved to say anything...which was best not to anyway.
In 2005 I knew I was thinking of retiring and decided to purchase a brand new car so I wouldn't have any car problems...at least for a long time. When I saw ads of Tiger Woods endorsing the Buick LaCrosse, I decided upon that car. I have always loved Buicks!
I purchased the car June of 2005....January 2006 one day I went to start it...NOTHING. This same problem occurs every winter. To make a long story short. They have replaced the battery 2006. Then it went dead again. In December 2007 they decided the radio was draining the battery so they replace it. Guess what folks, in January 2008...the car went dead again. But they said they cannot find anything wrong with it and it has started every day since they have had it. So now we have it back again.
One thing I love about my car...the vanity plates. Whenever I come out to the parking lot I just look for my licence plates...N Memry 7.
Yesterday, I picked up my mother's laundry. Tueday of every week is usually when I pick it up.
Mom is never in a hurry to get it back, but I usually have it done the next day. So today I dropped off her laundry at River Bluff Nursing Home. I couldn't stay becasue I needed to get to a volunteer job at Girl's Scouts. Upon walking out of the nursing home, I headed towards my car..(today I was able to park in the first lane)..humm I don't see my car. Well, at least I don't see my vanity plate. WHAT...I RUSH to the front of my car.. yes N Memry 7
plates on the front of the car. Relieved that this is my car..but wait a minute...WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BACK PLATE?
Yes G O N E...Gone. I phone Gary right away. Since I have a job to go to, he will call the police about our situation.
Last night we had gone to a Financial meeting at the Radisson on East State. It could have happen there. We really don't know. How often do you check both your licence plates before you pull out of your driveway? Or for that matter, when you get in your car after it has been parked somewhere. I'm sure never! You might want to now that your have heard my story.
The sad part to all of this is that I have to get a new licence plates. It's a precaution..incase the person who took them has an accident or robs a bank..etc, we won't have to go to court. HUH...that person should go to court and then of course to jail.
I'm not happy about not having my vanity plates...I will miss them. So why me..just give me a car that works ALL YEAR and don't steal my plates. Is that TOO MUCH TO ASK? And please don't say, "Why not you!" I'm just not in the mood . Someone told me shortly after Bob dead, "Why you will be closer to God." My old nature wanted to say, "Well, may He take your husband so you can be closer to God too! " I was too grieved to say anything...which was best not to anyway.
Monday, March 3, 2008
Time for the Game Sequence!
Saturday was a busy day for us. We had the bowling activity from 2:00-4:00. Then around 6:30 we were to go the Daniels for Pizza and to play the game Sequence. Since Alice had been reading Ann-Maire Blog, she wanted the chance to met her and Brett. We tried many dates but something was always coming up...so March lst worked for everyone.
Lucy and Elaine go to bed around 7:00. Lucy wanted Ann-Marie and I to see her bedroom. Lucy, you have a beautiful room. I must say, after they went to bed, we didn't hear a peep out of them.
The men decided to talk in the kitchen while eating their pizza. Boy was that good pizza from Papa Murphy. (You bring it home to cook.)
We girls decided to eat our pizza in the dinning room. Here we are h0lding up the sequence box..ready to take on the men.
Well the game finally got going...I really hate to say this but THE MEN WON!!!
Thanks Daniels for a great evening. (Now of course I never did understand that conversation when Darren wanted to change the subject.) Just kidding Darren.
Thanks Daniels for a great evening. (Now of course I never did understand that conversation when Darren wanted to change the subject.) Just kidding Darren.
It truly was a wonderful activity for the families at First Baptist Church. We had six on our team. (I believe that we had over 34 come...all ages) The first game went okay..Gary won with 119 points, I tied with Jon with116. The next game went all down hill. I'm glad we ran out of time to finish that one.
The only problem that occured the next day ...I couldn't walk on the left leg. Pain was shooting in it and my knee was swollen. I'm afraid that bowling may have to be taken off my list of fun activities. Today it is sore but I do not have pain when I walk on it. At any rate I did have fun bowling. Even if I only play it once a year, I don't think I want to give it up.
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