Monday, February 25, 2008

Just for fun!

This year is LEAP YEAR! Quote from an editor: "Friday will be Feb 29 instead of March l because 2008 is divisible by 4, and in such years a day is added to make the calendar more closely match the solar year. The sun's journey from one vernal equinox to the next takes a few hours more than 365 days, which we basically ignore until a leap year, which we give 366 days. Even after such manipulations, says the World Book, the average calendar year is still 11minutes, 14 seconds too long."

So for fun can you think of a word, phrase or game that we use the word LEAP in it? Those of you in Rockford cannot cheat and look in the paper for answers. I however will and chose the phrase from the comic strip Little Orphan Annie.."LEAPING LIZARDS"Perhaps I can even dare my niece Charity to be brave and make a comment...perhaps Colleen would even surprize me with a comment...just for fun. Please try not to duplicate your answers. Thanks for making this fun for an old retired aunt.


Charity said...

leap frog!!!

Alice said...

"Look before you leap!"

Ann-Marie said...

Leap of faith!

Colleen said...

leap pad

Cindy Swanson said...

Quantum Leap!

By the way, Juliet, I know lots of Christians who enjoy "American Idol"!

SturgillMom said...

I asked Michael if he had any "leap" phrases and he said, "I want to go to bed because I am really leapy!!"

candice said...


candice said...

this is a great post!

Juliet said...

Thanks to all you that have responded...there is a Christmas song that has that word too!

Danielle perhaps you should have asked Bryant..I'm sure he would have come up with a better answer that his Dad (Sorry Michael)

Candice, like your photo.

Colleen said...

Lords a leaping???

Colleen said...

How about fleapowder??..kind of a stretch, but with four dogs it could come in handy :)

candice said...

I like your picture! It kind of looks like your pulling a banana out of the pot!

Juliet said...

I thank both of the Colleens for their answers. I have a niece Colleen in TN and my newphew Jimmy Jr. Trotter is married to a Colleen. What a Hoot!

Danielle tell Michael that I apoligize for making fun of his answer. Since today is my sister birthday, I phoned her. She thought Michael was the best and the funniest..but then again she is his Mother.

Colleen..yes it is ten Lords a leaping...fleapowder is a stretch but if my nephew can say something like leapy for sleepy..what can I really say?

The Beard Bunch said...

All I want to say is that I feel very sad (or maybe leapy (weepy)) because I have been so busy and out of blogger land for a time. It looks like I missed some fun!