Monday, April 20, 2009

Another Fun Night With Great Niece & Nephews!

I've always enjoyed any of my Aunts and Uncles. They were fun to be around and when I was younger, I looked forward to spending time with them. Just given the title, "Aunt" or "Uncle" I think is such a privilege. So in the Rehfeldt family whenever any of my brothers or sisters got married and had children, we immediately were called Aunt or Uncle so and so. Now that I am a GREAT AUNT, it even gets better. It's fun to have young kids around...they do keep you hopping!!April 18, 2009 this pass Saturday, we had Megan, Caleb and Jacob over for supper while their mom and dad enjoyed an outing at their church. After the meal, Megan, Jacob and I took a walk while Caleb said he wanted to help Uncle Gary with the dishes. (Since I had made the meal, Gary said that he would do the dishes. Just love that guy.) After we returned from our walk we had our dessert.
Like all children, each kid enjoyed doing different things. Above we have Caleb showing GREAT Uncle Gary how to play the card game, War.

Jacob after sitting thru a movie that was only boring because he had seen it too many times, enjoyed putting in a video that he would enjoy.

Megan, being the teenager that she is enjoyed going online. If we had had more time, her and I would have played Wheel of Fortune. I guess we will keep it for the next time they come.
As you can see, being a GREAT AUNT is lots of fun. It can wear you out, but then you usually get a good night sleep.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

Well, one thing is for are defintely a GREAT great aunt (and a pretty good Mom, to boot!).