Thursday, April 9, 2009

Surprise! Surprise!

We all love surprises! A surprise call from an old friend. A surprise birthday party. A surprise gift for no reason. We could go on and on. But the surprise I got yesterday was not a nice surprise.

Yesterday, I was planning to see my mother at the nursing home during her lunch time. So I decided to make a small lunch for myself. I grabbed the Budding Deli Cuts I had purchased from the Walmart store down the street from us. I love ham and I would looking forward to making a nice ham sandwich with lettuce, pickle and mayo on Jewish seedles rye bread. Got the bread out. Put mayo, lettuce and sliced a Claussen Kosher Dill pickel to finish the toppings.
I was sure everything was going just as planned. Looking again at the date told me that I was going to enjoy a great homemade ham sandwich. THEN CAME THE SURPRISE!!! Are you ready for this?
When I opened the package...I saw this really ugly mold on some of the pieces. It made my stomach turn. The dictionary defines the word "surprise" "To encounter suddenly or unexpectedly;" Unexpectedly would be the word I will use.
Thankfully, I had purchased some turkey for Gary from the deli department. So I make a turkey sandwich instead.
As for that gross looking ham, I took it back today for a refund and got some other ham from the deli. I know what it looks like!!!
Well, may you all have many surprises this year, but may they not be of this nature.


Ann-Marie said...

Yes, this is definitely a surprise I would not want!!! I'm glad they took it back.

Alice said...

YUCK! That is awful. I hate when you have your mind set on something to eat and a disaster happens. :-) I'm glad there was some turkey around...