Monday, January 12, 2009


Has God ever allowed you to hear bits of conversations that make you boil inside? For instance:

Once upon a time I was just coming into the narthex, when a little boy ran pass me. Then I heard these words. "You don't wear blue jeans to church." I looked up and saw a young mother taking hold of her son's hand. I watched while shaking her head and looking at her husband said, "You put blue jeans on him?"

In the meantime, I wanted to bend down and tell him that it was okay to have blue jeans on. And to add that God looks on the inside not the outside.

I then sat down in one of the pews with another older couple. They had to leave and get ready for choir. While waiting for church to start, a younger man, perhaps around forty came and sat in the same pew. During conversation, I found out that this was their son. Nice looking man with two children. He was dressed in a nice turtleneck top with a sportcoat and OH MY blue jeans. Someone forgot to tell him when he was young that he not suppose to wear those things in church.

Now my mind is really having a hay day! I'm trying to process all of this in one day. Then our special speaker says something like..."I'm was so glad that while driving in from the Chicago area that Rockford has such great Christian radio stations. You just can't find any good stations around the Chicago area." Oh my, here goes my brain again! Have you not hear of WMBI!!! Then I realized if he had, he probably would not have listened to that radio station. Now you may say "Why Not?" or maybe even, "What's that station?" It's a story for another time. Another time I would like to do a post entitled: WHO'S WHO'S IN YOUR CIRCLE?

Now comes the morning message found in Micah 6:8. "...what doth the Lord require of the thee, but to do justly, and to love mercy, and to walk humbly with they God." To love mercy is what I remembered the most about his message. Perhaps because he said it is something us Baptist seem to lack. Then we also went to Deuteronomy 4. I read further down the chapter and my eyes stopped at verse thirty-one...(For the Lord thy God is a merciful God;)

I stopped and thought of all the dumb, dumb things I have said through my life and I'm sure glad for His mercy. And then I also knew that I'm still learning and trying to be more merciful when I hear what I think our dumb, dumb sayings.


Colleen said...

That is a verse I just love. Can it be laid out more simply than that?

Linda said...

I guess we all do just say such dumb things at times!Usually they (our words) tell us...and others...who we really are! So those who don't talk are probably better off! How many times have I told myself in past years, when going to meetings at work for instance or a board meeting at my association...that I won't say anything. Just can't help it, my mouth opens and the words fall out with all the feelings that go with them....! Guess I haven't been hurt enough yet in the past to tape my mouth shut which is a good sign....God must be with me!
Love you sis Linda

Ann-Marie said...

I say dumb things all the time...could it be genetic?! :-)

Alice said...

I get aggravated at the dumb things people say, so this was a good reminder to give some mercy and grace to others...especially since I am equally guilty at other times!

BJ Boehm said...

Every word that comes out of my mouth is smart...(Example of a dumb thing) yeah, i've said some dumb things and where I work I hear alot of dumb things from alot of ppl, but I can't go yelling at everyone so I have to have mercy becuase I myself have done it tons of times as well and wouldn't want ppl yelling at me for it as well....kinda throws in 'do unto other as you would have done unto you', God give us mercy when in the mist of a crisis we question why he is doing this, or blame him...ok, i'm done rambling...

Linda said...

Response to BJ: thanks for sharing your "dumb" mumblings & ramblings...I think you are right!
Love Aunt Linda