Thursday, November 27, 2008

Thanks, Thanks and Thanks!

Today is November 27, THANKSGIVING DAY!In church last night, the pastor asked us several questions about being thankful. He asked how many of our thankful for family and friends. (We all raised our hands.) Then he asked how many were thankful for their salvation. (Again, we all raised our hands.) He then wanted us to think of ONE THING we were thankful for and we were to be specific. ONE THING! My mind is racing. So many things to be thankful for this year. But as I raised my hand, I knew I was so very thankful for this:
My 91 year old Mother who prays for her children, their spouses, grandchildren, their spouses, and great grandkids. Now if you know the Rehfeldt family, that's a long time in prayer. I loved what the pastor said after my comment. "And don't you just feel the effect of those prayers." And I just had to said, "Yes, I do."

So here's my challenge to each of you that are reading this post. What is ONE THING you are thankful for this year?

(The first picture of my mother was taken at my daughter's wedding. The second picture was taken this year in Watertown, Wisconsin celebrating my birthday.)

1 comment:

CANDICE said...

I'm thankful for all the second chances God gives us in our lifetime.....