Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Brielle Visit her Great Aunt!

Well she arrived with toothbrush in hand. And yes , she will have some teeth soon.

What a real joy to have her if only for a few hours. She slept most of the time, but before she left we has some fun playing peek-a-boo(See the video below.) and waving good-bye. Enjoy wataching them as much I as did taping them.


CANDICE said...

She told me she had so much fun!!!! She loves her great Aunt! SHe was in a good mood all day thanks to you!

Ann-Marie said...

Oh, like you could STOP a Rehfeldt from expressing herself! I love that cute little wave at the end. She's always so enthusiastic!

Alice said...

Too cute! I'm glad you got to babysit for a bit...she's a doll!