Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Ali's Birthday Party Date: 9-11-10

We have so many family members that I believe that we could perhaps have a party every day of the year. I kid you not. But thankfully we love each other a lot and even if we can't always make all the parties...we do try. My brother Bruce's daughter Ali was turning 18 and Bruce was giving a party for her at his home in Huntley. In our car, besides us, we had my sister, Carol, Louise and my sister-in-law Venita. So you know we were having a fun time coming and going to Huntley. Not sure about Gary having as much fun with all us women. I'm so glad Jan and Darryl were also able to come. We don't see Bruce's mother-in-law Christina very often so we were also glad that she was able to join us.
One thing I love about parties is seeing some of my Steven and his son,

my great nephew David.

Above is my brother Bruce with his two beautiful daughters, Melissa and Ali.

Above is the birthday girl with a button letting us all know that she is now 18! Ali is a senior this year and this will mean a graduation party this Spring. Just think, another party!
It was a great day. As always plenty of food, fun and fellowship. Thanking the Lord once again for my large family.