Friday, October 26, 2007

Prayers and Praises

Last Thursday we left for Rockville, IN. for vacation. Unbeknown to us, my mother went into the hospital the next day. My sister, Louise (who has been in alot of pain due to a hip joint that is now bone on bone..OUCH) came in from Brodhead, WI every day to attend to her needs. Others also came in to check on her.

Mother has gotten real weak and needed medical attention. When we got back on Monday, I was able to give Louise some relief and see Mom on Wednesday and Thursday. She would have gone home on Wednesday, but they needed to give her some blood that day. On Thursday, I got her dressed and in a chair. After lunch, they took her back to River Bluff. She is still weak and now she needs the help of others to get her dressed. She will be using a wheelchair till she gets her strength back. Her mind is still sharp! That's a PRAISE!!!

Now here's some facts about my sister, Louise you may not know. For 26 YEARS she has not had any alcohol...that great because she use to be an alcoholic. On September 27th she took laser treatment to her quite's been a month now and she is doing great. On November 13, she will have hip surgery. Louise, who so often cracks us up with laughter said, "Did you know that they have laser treatment for losing weight? After my hip surgery, I may go for those treatments!" (I'm thinking, if those treatment work, I may go too);) Louise may not know it, but along with my MOM she is one of my heroes.

We as Christians know that it is the grace of God working in our lives everyday. But when I see people lives in action as these two, I just remember what Dr. Culbertson, President of Moody Bible Institute when I was a student..."It's important that you end well!" No matter what happens in life, keep living for the Lord.

So please be praying for Mom and Louise in getting their health back.


The Beard Bunch said...

Thanks so much for the post! I was talking to my kids the other day and told them that we need to pray for Great-grandma. When I started praying for her, I just started to cry, telling God how much we love her and how much she means to us...."can you please give her some strength back?" What a precious, precious grandmother. I thank God for people in my family that are very much human and yet great examples of what God can do in and through a willing life.

CANDICE said...

love you aunt juliet! I have the most amazing family in the whole world! all of my aunts are strong,loving, caring, and very very giving. I love and appreciate all you do too. Great examples for us younger generations of rehfeldts to u!

Ann-Marie said...

I'm with "Kitti" - our family and friends are such an inspiration. I'll be praying for Grandma and Aunt Louise, too. I'm so thankful for our godly heritage!

SturgillMom said...

Laser treatments for losing weight!!!! I think that sounds like a very nice option...let me know if it works :) You are right, though. Grandma and Louise are very special people and great examples to all of us....but, I would include you in that group too! Hope to see you in a few weeks.

Linda said...

Linda Asks : Who is kittifrickit ?

Love you guys and am praying for all of you, but don't know who this one is ...or do I ?

Glad to read Michelle's comments. They made me think of the time when, while holding Alex in my arms, the family in Rockford called me in Strasbourg to tell me that Dad (Grandpa Rehfeldt)had died...I cried with Alex in my arms and he wondered what it was all about.. I was so happy he had met his Grandfather once .

It was a moving moment and I understand the tears one might shed at times for a loved one living or no longer with us.

I pray God for Mom and her shoulders. I too am going that way , having her genes and all..and knowing how painful it has become for her ...she says she can't even turn over in bed for instance....I pray also for her hands that she be able to continue to write. If not...she'll have to record !