Sunday, July 6, 2008

Happy 4th!

After I packed us a lunch and Gary had the bikes mounted on the back of the truck, we headed for Roland Olson Park. Halfway on the trail we stopped at a picnic table to enjoy our lunch. For our dessert, we stopped in Popular Grove for an ice cream cone. Then off towards Harvard. The only problem with riding 15 miles one have to ride back to the place you started. YES WE RODE 30 miles on the 4th. In the evening, Brett, Al, (Brett's dad) Ann-Maire, Gary and I went to Beloit to see such a beautiful display of fireworks. While waiting for darkness to decend on us, Ann-Marie and I played Skip-Bo. I just want to wish everyone: A

1 comment:

Alice said...

We missed you on the 4th, but it sounds like you had a great time. And...30 miles!!! Wow. I am impressed!