When my husband Bob passed away March 3, 1999, I knew I needed to replace the car I had. So with the help of the Traum family I purchased a used but newer car than I had. When I thought about the licence plates, I wanted something in honor of Bob. Different ideas were put forth and the one I liked the best was suggested by Mike. I ended up with the vanity plates of N Memry 7. When you order a vanity plate and the letters are already taken, you have to take the next number...great 7. I thought how perfect could one get. Usually we think of the number of 7 in terms of perfection...etc.
In 2005 I knew I was thinking of retiring and decided to purchase a brand new car so I wouldn't have any car problems...at least for a long time. When I saw ads of Tiger Woods endorsing the Buick LaCrosse, I decided upon that car. I have always loved Buicks!
I purchased the car June of 2005....January 2006 one day I went to start it...NOTHING. This same problem occurs every winter. To make a long story short. They have replaced the battery 2006. Then it went dead again. In December 2007 they decided the radio was draining the battery so they replace it. Guess what folks, in January 2008...the car went dead again. But they said they cannot find anything wrong with it and it has started every day since they have had it. So now we have it back again.
One thing I love about my car...the vanity plates. Whenever I come out to the parking lot I just look for my licence plates...N Memry 7.
Yesterday, I picked up my mother's laundry. Tueday of every week is usually when I pick it up.
Mom is never in a hurry to get it back, but I usually have it done the next day. So today I dropped off her laundry at River Bluff Nursing Home. I couldn't stay becasue I needed to get to a volunteer job at Girl's Scouts. Upon walking out of the nursing home, I headed towards my car..(today I was able to park in the first lane)..humm I don't see my car. Well, at least I don't see my vanity plate. WHAT...I RUSH to the front of my car.. yes N Memry 7
plates on the front of the car. Relieved that this is my car..but wait a minute...WHAT HAPPENED TO MY BACK PLATE?
Yes G O N E...Gone. I phone Gary right away. Since I have a job to go to, he will call the police about our situation.
Last night we had gone to a Financial meeting at the Radisson on East State. It could have happen there. We really don't know. How often do you check both your licence plates before you pull out of your driveway? Or for that matter, when you get in your car after it has been parked somewhere. I'm sure never! You might want to now that your have heard my story.
The sad part to all of this is that I have to get a new licence plates. It's a precaution..incase the person who took them has an accident or robs a bank..etc, we won't have to go to court. HUH...that person should go to court and then of course to jail.
I'm not happy about not having my vanity plates...I will miss them. So why me..just give me a car that works ALL YEAR and don't steal my plates. Is that TOO MUCH TO ASK? And please don't say, "Why not you!" I'm just not in the mood . Someone told me shortly after Bob dead, "Why you will be closer to God." My old nature wanted to say, "Well, may He take your husband so you can be closer to God too! " I was too grieved to say anything...which was best not to anyway.
Mom - I'm so sorry you've been going through all this car trouble! It's sooooooooo frustrating! (I'm just glad it wasn't stolen at Girl Scouts!)
Why would someone steal someone else's vanity plates of all things? Ka-razy. And annoying.
We need to think of something creative for your new plates. Maybe you should do a post to get suggestions!!!
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