Monday, February 4, 2008

Super Bowl Sunday!!!

My late husband Bob and I have always been BIG BEAR FANS!!!... Along with some dear friends of ours Dan and Judy Waggoner. When Bob and I were first married, we lived in Chicago. We lived in what was called an English got to see people legs while they walked past your windows. Dan and Judy live on the third floor of this home.

One day we needed some sugar (or something like that), so Bob knocked on the door of Dan and Judy. Never had met them before. Low and behold they had attended Moody Bible Institute also. We became dear friends and did so much together. One thing we always enjoyed was watching the SUPER BOWL TOGETHER. I must confess, there are very few woman that I have met over the year who truly love to watch football. I mean really WATCH it...from start to finish. MY FRIEND JUDY WAS JUST THAT PERSON.( She would make this homemade chocolate sauce for ice cream that was out of this world.) Now the four of would WATCH the game from start to finish. And of course we have always been Bear Fans!

Let me fast forward our lives...Along comes this baby girl, Ann-Marie. We just loved her to pieces. Now this child of our was in no way a tom boy like I was. The poor child had to put up with my screaming at the TV whenever a football game was on. She especially didn't enjoy the nights that Bob and I watched Monday Night Football. Her she is trying to sleep while her wonderful mother is yelling, "GO, GO, Go!" at the top of her lungs.

This year Bob's brother Jim had a Super Bowl bet going on for the Trotter Clan. Jim was putting the money up front and all we had to do was post the team to win and the total score of the game. So I did my posting: Giants to win and total score 53. Ann-Maire: Patriots to win and total score, (are you ready for this?) 72! I posted back to her: "Are you nuts!, If the Patriots win and the score is 72, I'll give you $200.00 TOO."

Sunday Brett, Ann-Marie, Gary and I had made plans to watch the Super Bowl after church that evening. Gary and I had left at 4:00 p.m. (Gary has choir pratice at 4:45). The weather was fine when we left Rockton...starting snowing when we got into Rockford. Ann-Marie's church had already cancelled their services..ours got cancelled after choir practice, so we had a real fun time coming home.

Getting to my lovely story..When we got home we all enjoyed a little supper. The fourth quarter was coming on and I told Ann-Marie she had to sit down with me and watch the last quarter. (She had been on my computer till then...what a surprize!!) So like an obedient child we sat together on the couch. I'm doing my yelling and all she has to say are comments like, "Now tell me again, why are they throwing the ball?" or "Why isn't Eli Manning catching the ball?"

I will give her a gold star for actually sitting with me and perhaps I could give her a gold star for being funny. But I will not give her a gold star for enjoying or even wanting to watching the game. Nevertheless...WE DID WATCH IT TOGETHER.

Can't wait till 2009 for SUPER BOWEL 43! Ann-Marie, want to join me? SAME TIME..SAME PLACE.


Alice said...

I'm with Ann-Marie and Judy. We'll be out in the kitchen making (and eating) chocolate sauce. :-)

The Beard Bunch said...

C'mon Ann-marie, the fourth quarter was so very good, too! I am glad you enjoyed yourself, Aunt Juliet, even though the Bears were not playing.

SturgillMom said...

Can I eat the chocolate sauce AND watch the game? We taped the game and had some friends come over after church. My dear friend, Ann, loves to watch football. And she said to me a couple of days ago, "Now, Danielle, I hope you know that I am NOT going to talk to you during the game. We can talk some other time because I really want to WATCH the game!!" You guys would get along great :)

CANDICE said...

I even saw the 4th quarter! FIRST SUPER BOWL I WATCHED!! or at least the end of it! It was good.

Ann-Marie said...

I would like it noted I also asked why some players had a dinner napkin hanging out between their legs. Mom said, "It's not a napkin. They use it to wipe their hands." And I was like, "And a napkin is...used for that."

Also, Tom Brady is a hottie, so I cheered whenever he took off his hat. Brett was like, "Hey, I'm RIGHT here, you know!"

Thanks for the fun, Mom! You're an angel to put up with me.