Monday, August 3, 2009

Sequence Night

It's always fun to get together with my neices, Charity and Colleen from Springfield, Tennessee. They are usually real busy with their own family, but we do try to snatch them for a few hours while they are visiting. So Friday night we got together at our home.

We enjoy the pizza from Giuseppi's! Thanks to Colleen and Charity. As you can see, they all enjoying playing sequence. I was off somewhere else doing what I enjoy most at this time in my life..being a Grandmother and holding my grandson, Samuel.
I'm not sure why Brett is wearing sunglasses but he seems to be enjoying the game.

You know there is always one in the crowd who always is different and that would be my geek of a nephew, BJ. But one time we did get him to play sequence. But not this time.

Here we have Samuel asleep. Oblivious to all that is going on around him.

Bedtime for Briell....out like a light.
I'm so glad that even though the evening went by so fast, it was great to see my sister, Kathy's kids together. It's always a bitter sweet feeling. All in All we had a great time. Charity and Colleen got to hold Samuel. (I forgot to get my camera out..sorry.) We just enjoyed being with family.

1 comment:

Ann-Marie said...

I was so glad Samuel could meet his not-aunts and not-uncle! Thanks for opening your home to all of us!