Thursday, August 23, 2007

Did We Really Save Money

As I laid in bed last night, I started thinking..(a rare thing for me) as the rain came down in buckets.
Yesterday when I was shopping at Hilander near our home, I passed th bargain table. I could of passed it up, but after all I am a REHFELDT! They had boxes of Cocovavia for $2.50 each (they usually run $4.99 a box) Now Cocoavia is a heart healthy snack..that's what it says on the box. Now lets figure, $2.50 x 6 equals $15.00. Plus I remembered I had coupons from Hilander - $2.00 off the purchase of 2 boxes, and I had two of these couponds. So now I have reduced my cost to $11.00. (You math major are you with me?) So let's see $4.99 x 6 equals $29.94. Now that's a saving of $18.94. Not bad! But they had a product for us OLD people (like me)to help reduce the wrinkles under our eyes (ye, I'm vain too!) They said the original cost was $18.00 and had reduced it to $9.00. So I purchaed it I was somewhat upset when I stopped at another Hilander to find they had the same product on sale too. However, they said it was original $12.00 and I could get it for $ lost of $3.00.
I say all of this because of something my sister, Jan said (one of my smarter sisters at least smarter than me...although we were playing a new game word she had taught my mother and I last week. It's a card game where each card has one or two letters on them. You start out with three cards and get to draw one when it your turn and then discard one. Once you have spelled a word in your hand you can lay those cards down. Now each new game you add another instead of 3 cards you now get 4 cards to spell a word. Well, we finally got up to 8 cards. I don't remember my word, but I laid my word down first, forcing my sister and Mom to have one more turn .Jan had two words "fin" and "fin" (no I"m not kidding) and had to subtract the other 2 cards from her score) each care have points on them) Mom had two words like "go" and "say" hence she had to subtract points from her score. As Jan was writing the points down for all of us I noticed (I'm not very observance - you could wear the same outfit everyday and I probably wouldn't take note)her 2 discared cards with the letters "a" and "l" hummmm "fin" "fin" I said you know you could have spelled "final"! "Now you tell me." she replied. maybe somewhat brighter than me, but not a whole lot.)
Now where was I....Oh yes, SAVING MONEY. After our fun time at the Bent and Dent we were eating lunch at the Sand Burr in Brodhead. Jan said something to the effect " You know after all the money we spent on gas and food did we really save money in the long run?" ( She been hanging around her husband WAY too much. We REHFELDT's don't think like that!)
Perhaps ther is truth in what she said, but are we going to change? OF COURSE NOT, WE'RE REHFELDTS Any thoughts???? Like you REHFELDT need major help.


SturgillMom said...

You are just too funny! It is almost dangerous when "the sisters" get together :) The kids are sitting with me while I check up on you and they sure enjoyed seeing pictures of grandma and you. Hopefully, we'll see you in a week...I am going in to talk to the Dr. next week. We'll see what she says. Miss you!

Ann-Marie said...

Really, in the big picture, what's more important - saving money or having fun? You know which one gets my vote!

The Beard Bunch said...

Ok, I am laughing so hard and Brooke wants to know what is so funny. How do I explain to her that your blog reads kind of like a conversation with you or my mom? Anyway, it was funny. My mom can be smart, but she has her moments....... As far as saving money, I think sometimes the challenge of finding a "good deal" and feeling that you found one is half the fun. If you were willing to pay for it, then enjoy it!!!!!

Linda said...

I guess I am a bit late for this comment.....3 months only...but it just shows you that people go back and read and reread your stories Juliet . (Hope you, AND they, go back and read the coments too !)

Here is mine : Ah yes Rehfeldts and Money..we could write a book on the theme ! Anna did the grocery shopping today November 14,2007 and on coming in the house told me about all the articles she got for half price ! We are trying to cut down our food bill and she is real proud when she finds bargains. Did I raise my daughter right ?

Also I made some lucious Mongolian Beef the other day with a package of sauce I got at the Bent and Dent ...God bless those people.....and am still using lots of stuff I got there last September.

I told Anna (after comparing pop corn price between Germany and France in the 2 big stores we frequent the most and found that today we paid 1.50 in France and last week 2 euros in Germany) that it is nice comparing is a whole science. I told her how our DAD used to compare all the sale adds and to to 2 or 3 stores to get the cheapest.

Looking for bargains is in our genes ! AND it is a fun adventure....and gives us pride when we do save...because even tho we may have money in our pockets...we still have poverty in our heads !!!!!!!